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Imperium in Imperio: State within a state

Description of Their Methods of Government - Meetings of the Chiefs in Council - Order of Proceedings - A Toronto Gentleman Made a Chief - ceremony of Initiation - Education Works on the Reserve - Utility of Indians as Soldiers

Canadian Indians, or Indian Canadians?

In a bloodless revolution on Thursday, the hereditary chiefs of the Six Nations Indians have proclaimed the independence of their confederacy. Their braves —some sporting buckskin clothes, feathered headdress, warpaint and hatchets —broke into the Council House at Ohsweken, from which the elected councillors had discreetly departed. in an obvious bid for support by the younger generation, the chiefs declared…

Six Nations Set Up Independent Country

No one knows how far they mean to go; but the 1,000 Six Nations Indians who took over control of their reserve at Ohsweken yesterday now declare they have formed a new independent country — the Grand River Country.

Prince Edward, John Buck and Alexander Graham Bell Brantford Ont.20 Oct.1919

Here the Six Nations Indians were the hosts. A platform had been erected under the very shadow of the monument to the great "Thayendanegea," and six Indian girls representing the Nations, stood on each side of the entrance way; attired in white they had sashes of maple, oak and pine, emblems of Canada, England, and their own people, while each…