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Friel backs native land claims

Mayor Chris Friel says that Six Nations peoples have a legitimate claim to land six miles on either side of the Grand River. “I believe that land claim is totally valid,” Friel said Saturday. “I can’t understand why the federal government has not come to terms on it.” Friel made the comment during a speech at the opening ceremonies of…


In the early days of the Europeans settling of this “new land,” there were more peaceful interactions than conflicts. These new settlers would not have survived had it not been for Squanto, a Wampanoag who was kidnapped and brought to England in 1664. While in Europe, Squanto learned English which was a key factor in helping the Pilgrims in 1620…

Legends, Traditions, and Laws of the Iroquois, or Six Nations, and History of the Tuscarora Indians

By Elias Johnson, A Native Tuscarora Chief Introduction Preface The Iroquois Captive’s Life Among Indians Customs and Individual Traits of Character Creation Tuscarora Tuscaroras at North Carolina Treaties of the New York Indians Missionary Work School Operations Antique Rock Citadel Of Kienuka; Or, Gau-Strau-Yea The New Religion Sketches Of An Iroquois Council, Or Condolence Atotarho Iroquois Laws Of Descent Legendary…

Hiawatha the Unifier

Hiawatha (Haion-Hwa-Tha / He-Who-Makes-Rivers) is thought to have been a statesman, lawgiver, shaman, and unifier who lived around 1570. According to some sources, he was born a Mohawk and sought refuge among the Onondaga when his own tribe at first rejected his teachings. His efforts to unite the Iroquois tribes were opposed by a formidable chieftain, Wathatotarho, whom he eventually…

The History and Culture of Iroquois Diplomacy

This collection includes documents of the Iroquois Indians. Spanning from the earliest surviving 16th century texts through 1842, the estimated 9,000 documents include minutes of treaty conferences, council meetings and agreements resulting from formal meetings. The records document the diplomatic history of the Iroquois nations or their league.

The Circle Wampum

The Circle Wampum fashioned with fifty strings, which depicts the constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy. The fifty strings represent the fifty "Roiianer" of the Confederacy. (Roiianer sometimes translated into english meaning lord, or chief.)

Imperium in Imperio: State within a state

Description of Their Methods of Government - Meetings of the Chiefs in Council - Order of Proceedings - A Toronto Gentleman Made a Chief - ceremony of Initiation - Education Works on the Reserve - Utility of Indians as Soldiers

Canadian Indians, or Indian Canadians?

In a bloodless revolution on Thursday, the hereditary chiefs of the Six Nations Indians have proclaimed the independence of their confederacy. Their braves —some sporting buckskin clothes, feathered headdress, warpaint and hatchets —broke into the Council House at Ohsweken, from which the elected councillors had discreetly departed. in an obvious bid for support by the younger generation, the chiefs declared…