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Vision, Mission and Objectives

Vision Statement

“To create a neighbourhood where people can collaborate to advance the matters of Righteousness and Peace.”


The mission of the Association is to promote a strong, liveable community and to empower Haudenosaunee & Raseron:ni of our neighbourhood through community engagement.


1. To engage members of the community in issues both specific to the area and Brantford wide.
2. To participate in planning that affects the residents of this community
3. To foster a safe, secure community according to the Two Row wampum and the Friendship covenant wampum belts.
4. To increase the natural beauty and environmental sustainability of the neighbourhood.
5. To promote redevelopment that reflects the values of the neighbourhood.
6. To be a credible, powerful and representative voice for the community, while remaining non­partisan and inclusive.
7. To facilitate the implementation of the Haudenosaunee & Raseron:ni Neighbourhood Association of Brantford Plan.
8. To work toward the goals outlined in the Haudenosaunee & Raseron:ni Neighbourhood Association of Brantford Charter